is this why?
is this why i have loved and then lost?
is this why i have faced that wretched heartache?
is this why i have tasted pain so real, so raw?
is this why it happened the way that it did, step by step, tear by tear?
is this why i now stepped back into the light?
to dance in the sun
and to prepare my heart for more love, to open the floodgates
and enter this time, ever more sharpened?
more importantly,
ever more softened?
if this is the only reason for why You brought me here
the way You did
so that i might hold my baby brother,
Your most precious gift to me, cherished above all else
as he rocks, gasping for air, hardly breathing
afraid to face the stab of tomorrow
without her
if this is the only reason
that i might be the only one he opens the door for
the only one he lets in
the only person who sees him cry tonight
the only one who understands every reason behind every irrational curse
and insecurity
if this is the only reason
then i will hold him through the night
until he can breathe again, on his own
and i will know how to comfort
i will know exactly what to say,
and i will thank You for all of it
knowing that this reason alone, is enough for me.